Saturday, October 20, 2007

Finding the Time

My motivation has still been pretty bad, but I managed to muscle out four workouts this week. My goal is five a week, so four is pretty close. Here's a tip for mothers: If you need motivation, get your kids involved. If I don't workout in the morning, come the nigthttime wind down, it's very hard for me to workout. So I got my daughter Lilia to push me. I told her, "Lilia, make sure I workout tonight." So sure enough, Lilia got her shoes on, and said, "Mom, let's go workout." I couldn't turn her down. So I took all three girls downstairs, turned up my Beatles 1 CD almost as loud as it would go, and we all ran. I ran on the treadmill and they ran around the basement. Nohea didn't start crying until 27 minutes into my workout. I would have liked to have ran for 40 minutes, but I cut it to 30 minutes. But during these cold, unmotivated winter months, something is better than nothing.

My food intake has been good and bad. Last night we went to my sister-in-law Susan's house, and she had a cookie decorating table with cupcakes. Cupcakes are my weakness. I ate three. Earlier that day, the scale said I'd lost two pounds, but I'm sure the nice Italian dinner, cookies, and cupcakes probably brought my pound lossage back up. So it goes. But exercise still makes me feel better, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.

I think I won't be doing the Telos Tri, due to the kids. The Telos Tri also has a Turkey Trot, a family friendly 5K. Lilia said she'd like to do another race, so I think I'll just stay back with the girls and do the 5K run. Plus, in the off season, my focus is more just on running. We're doing St. George's Painter's half marathon in January. That's a good race to keep you motivated through the cold months. And then after that, it's time to gear up for the Vikingman in June. Ah yeah.

Monday, October 08, 2007

Losing the Lbs

This weekend we had guests, and therefore, we felt it our duty to entertain. I think we went overboard with the food. It was no surprise to jump on the scale today and see that I'd gained five pounds. Ugh.

So I'm back on track. I threw out all the cake we had in the house, I have some low-calorie meals planned for the next week, and I've returned to the gym. Whenever I'm lacking in motivation, I seek a workout at the gym. At the theater cardio room, they were playing chick flicks. The girl on the treadmill next to me said, "Yes! This is my day." I said, "Me too!" I stayed on the elliptical for 50 minutes, just enough time to get into Music and Lyrics with Drew Barrymore and Hugh Grant. Now I want to rent the movie to finish it. My back was bothering me today, so I thought I'd try the elliptical. It said I burned more than 700 calories for the 50 minutes I was on it. I have a hard time believing I burned that many calories, because my heart rate stayed in the low 150s, and when I run for that long, the treadmill says I only burn about 500 calories. But the nice thing about the elliptical, I must admit, is that my back feels no pain.

I also have a goal to do the Telos Turkey Tri in less than a month. It's a fairly easy triathlon that takes place at the Orem Recreation Center. So starting today, here is my log:

Me by the numbers (Day 1):
Weight: 155
Workout: 50 minutes on elliptical
Daily calorie consumption:
Breakfast: cereal & milk
Lunch: McDonald's Asian Salad with balsamic vinegerette & Lissy's half cheeseburger
Dinner: Roasted chicken, baked potatoes, vegetables

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

I grew up watching my cousin come up from Utah every year to compete in the Spudman. We'd get up around 6:30 a.m. the morning of the Spud so we could watch him plunge into the water. We were always so excited when he'd come out of the water nearly in front, but then after the bike he'd fall back into the pack. Back then the Spudman had a couple hundred competitors. Watching him, I never thought I would ever want to do the race myself. Still, it was thrilling to watch the race and be in awe of the competitors.

Now here we are today. If there's a reason we all do triathlon, it's because of those early days of watching the Spud. My brother B.J. took second overall again on Saturday (July 28), losing by less than a minute. It's probably the third time he's taken second. Next year, next year; there's always next year. My youngest brother Edward, who is 18, took 1st in his age group and 19th overall. He was very surprised by his results, as were we all. My younger brother Wayne, sister Hetty, and sister-in-law Stacey formed a team and took second in their team division. Wayne crashed his bike on the last turn into the transition, but he ran the last little bit to tag Stacey.

I was proudest of all of my husband. He had a great race and a great time. Being our hometown race, the Spudman is my favorite race. It's flat and easy, and it's on roads that I know and love. I wasn't sure Kulani would love it as much as I do. But he seemed to have a wonderful time and said as much. He did amazingly well finishing at 2 hours 31 minutes. Our other triathlon buddies also did well, and I hope everyone had a great time. After the race, we had a barbecue at my parent's home in Burley.

I personally did okay (2 hours 39 minutes), but more importantly, I too fell in love with triathlon all over again. I'm eager for the next race. Long live the Spud!

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Testing, pictures, one, two, three

So I thought I would experiment with putting a picture in this here blog. So here are some pictures from Hawaii:
This is us after the race. My husband Kulani is on the far left, then me holding my daughter Melissa's hand. My brother B.J. is the tall one in back. My sister-in-law Kalei, her husband Mahana, and their friend Jodene is on the far right.

Friday, June 22, 2007

My mechanic, my lover

Let's get something out in the open right now: I love my husband. Not only does he bring home the bacon, he also wields a mighty bike wrench. I was at a wedding recently and the officiator gave the following advice to the couple: "Bring her a treat every now and again to show her you're thinking about her, but don't do it too often that she comes to expect it." I have probably come to expect that if my bike is not working properly, Kulani will have it fixed by my Saturday morning rides. My Lemond wasn't riding as comfortably as I wanted it to recently, so he ordered a new stem that's less than in inch shorter than my old stem, but it has made all the difference in riding comfortably. I don't tell him often enough how much I appreciate his help in keeping my bikes in tip-top shape. So baby, thank you. And also, my shifter thing seems to be stiff again. Could you do something about that? Thanks again. 'Preciatch ya!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Shout out to Dr. Watabe

My doctor's nurse called me on behalf of Dr. Watabe to congratulate me on finishing the Hawaii Half-Ironman. Dr. Watabe has to be the best doctor in Utah. He saw me during my pregnancy with my youngest daughter, and he's only in his early 30s. I know this because in triathlon, they write your age on the back of your leg, and Dr. Watabe is a triathlete. I see him around at local races with his wife and child. He encouraged me that I could be healthy enough after delivering my baby to compete in the race.

It's interesting listening to people who have never competed in the sport. They can't believe people would pay money to torture themselves that way or wear skin-tight clothes when their bodies don't exactly look flattering in the attire. Where as a triathlete, for the most part, doesn't really even see the body size; you see the sweat and determination and you respect each other. Dr. Watabe looks good in a triathlon suit; I, on the other hand ... Triathlon is a bonder of people, not a hater. There's a great ad on the back of my triathlon magazine with a woman sitting after a swim and the look on her face says contemplation. The ad sums up nicely why I do this sport: "We all have to do it. Explain our actions. Make sense of it to somebody that doesn't quite get it. You may even question yourself sometimes, but not for long. No matter how tired you are, how much your muscles ache and joints hurt, you feel better training and nobody can take that from you. It's just you and your body. The pleasure and pain is only yours. It's personal."

For me and Dr. Watabe, we get it. Dr. Watabe will be doing the Vineman in July. Good luck, Doctor. And thanks.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

First Half Ironman

"I am half-Ironman, dododododododo-do-do." Or however that song goes. So I completed my first half-Ironman. In Hawaii. In the heat. If there is a word for that event, besides grueling, it is hot. I'm not sure I'd ever like to do that race again. Next year I think I'll do the Vikingman instead, a nice, flat cooler course with a down-current swim. But Hawaii's ocean swim was probably the most enjoyable part of the race. I saw an eal and a sea snake while I was swimming. Helped keep my mind off the monotany of the swim. I finished the swim in a not-too-disappointing 50 minutes. That was about the time I was swimming in the pool, so I wasn't too far off my mark. But then came the bike. Hawaii's course is hilly. There were a series of big rollers topped off by a 7-mile climb to Hawi. We gained 1,000 feet of elevation during the course of the ride. When I finally pushed my bike to the transition area, I had to hobble off the bike. It took me 3 hours 40 minutes to ride 56 miles. That's abismall, but the bike has never been my strong point. Someone yelled out, "Don't worry. Your legs will return." And that person was right. By mile three of the run, I felt pretty strong. I caught up to a girl who flew over from the mainland to also do this race with us. She came with my brother and sister-in-law. I tried to encourage her to keep up with me, but she'd had it. I kept running, feeling somewhat guilty about leaving her behind. But I was on a good pace, despite the heat of the lava fields. I was averaging 10 minute miles, which if I was able to keep up for the full 13 miles, I'd come in before 7 hours. An older Japanese man ran with me for a few miles. He said his wife was waiting for him at the finish line with "cold beer." Even though I don't drink, that still sounded nice. The Hawaii race organizers have cold sponges, ice water, Gatorade, fruit, gels, and cola at every mile. That kept me going. Occasionally I'd run through the aid stations, and other times I would walk. I caught up to my husband by mile 7. He had told me earlier that if he wasn't having a great race day, he would wait for me and we could finish together. So the last five + miles were a lot of fun. We walked and ran and talked and just enjoyed being together. We encouraged other runners, guffawed at the Hooters girls at mile 11 cheering everyone on, and thanked the volunteers bringing us cold sponges. We ran the last mile across to the finish line. Our girls waved at us from the side. We held hands across the finish. We finished in 7 hours 27 minutes. It was glorious. I choked up at the accomplishment. My oldest daughter, who is 4, approached me after the finish and said, "I'm proud of you and Dad. You did great." That was very sweet, but then she followed that with, "Don't do anymore long races, just short ones." I agreed with her.

My brother B.J. did really well at that race, finishing 15th overall. He was second in his age group, which got him a slot to the half-Ironman championships in Florida. My brother-in-law was faster last year, but I think he still did pretty well finishing at 5 hours 46 minutes. His wife had bike problems, and didn't finish the run.

Now we're training for the Burley Spudman, after I recover from my post-Island blahs. There's always Monday.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Saturday Sunrise Ride

Due to time constraints, my Saturday road ride had to be completed in the wee early hours of the morning. I began my travels at 6:00 a.m. It was a beautiful morning. The sun had not yet crested over the mountain behind our home. I mounted my bike and took off in the direction of the Mount Timpanogos Temple. The road along the east side of the temple is a gentle climb until you reach Highland. I passed through Highland and into Alpine. I then made my way west to Traverse Mountain. By now the sun had peaked over the mountains, and the temperature was starting to rise, but there were still relatively few cars on the road.

I wasn't planning on doing a climb, but when I saw a bunch of road riders climbing up Traverse Mountain, I had to join the fun. It was a 20-minute climb to what seemed to be the top to me. I got passed by one person: a runner with huge calves. Should I be embarrassed that I was passed by a person on foot? Possibly, but I was enjoying the climb and the view too much to care. My heart rate was plenty high, so I let the runner pass me without trying to pursue and overtake him back (whilst saying something smug like, "eat my tire dust, super-huge calf man." I always like to wave or say "hi" to fellow road riders, but no one returned my friendly gesture while I was climbing up and they were speeding down. On my way down the climb I found out why: you need both hands on your bike and complete concentration when barreling down the hill. My guess is that I might have reached speeds of 40 mph (I still don't have a speedometer on my bike yet). It was glorious! After traverse Mountain I weaved my way down through Highland and Lehi, then over to American Fork and back to my home in Cedar Hills. It was supposed to be a 4-hour ride, but I only had time for a 2 1/2 hour ride, as I needed to be at my sister Hetty's wedding shower later that morning. I also found that runners said "hi" more than roadies did.

I'd ridden my tri-race bike for the first time last week, but when I rode it again Saturday, I fell in love with the bike and we got married. Our honeymoon will be at the Hawaii half-Ironman in two weeks. I'm changing my name to Cindy Isaac-Fisher. That's how much I love my bike.

I relate very well to Forrest Gump on so many levels, but when I'm riding a bike or out for a run, I love to recall Forrest Gump's words when he's describing the beauty of the earth through the places he's been. I too feel that connection to earth. There was that sunrise over Mount Timpanogos casting its rays over Utah Lake. Then there was the look of the runner's face as he triumphantly passed me. The politeness of drivers pulling over a lane to not frighten me as they drove past. It's a feeling you want to share with loved ones. I wish that joy on anyone wanting to take it.

Let me introduce you to my bikes

My husband is a gear queer. Ever since we've been married he's had the nicest bikes. He worked at a bike shop for nearly the first three years of our marriage, and I'm pretty sure he got paid in bike parts and accessories. Therefore, he always had the nicest stuff. Then he started collecting double the stuff in case a friend wanted to ride with him and the friend did not have a bike. Now I am doing triathlons and I get all his old hand-me-downs. But let me warn you, his hand-me-downs are other people's dream bikes. I don't say this to brag, really, I say this to express my heartfelt appreciation to a husband who likes to collect things, and consequently, collects things for the both of us.

I have two bikes. One bike is a training bike and one bike is a racing bike.

Traing bike: It's a Lemond Versailles. It's navy blue and vanilla painted. It's a workhorse bike, but isn't as fun to ride as my racing bike.

Racing bike: An Isaac Efficiency. It has triathlon-drop handlebars (I'm not sure of the actual term), and it feels like a rocket. When I'm in the tuck zone and speeding down a flat, I feel like I'm doing 30 mph. I don't know how fast I'm going because we've haven't put on a speedometer yet.

Getting a good, fun bike to ride really helps on those long training hours. The only other thing that would help would be a nice long road, with rollers, and no cars.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Nursing myths

When I started training for this triathlon, I heard a lot of bad advice from women, basically telling me to take it easy. Well, let me tell you; me taking it easy is akin to being the biggest slob in the world. The reason why I sign up and compete in triathlons is because otherwise, I would do NOTHING! I would be A-1 coach potato. Some of the myths that were perpetuated on me were as follows:
  • Exercising changes your milk, and the baby won't like the taste of it.
  • Lactose gets into your milk and causes the baby to have stomach aches.
  • Your milk supply will decrease.
After researching the above topics, I found each to be false. My baby hasn't rejected my milk, even when I feed her directly after exercising. My doctor calls it a "salty margarita," because there's salt on the lip of the "glass" but not in the glass. I have been more susceptable to mastitis because of my long workout days, but we've trudged through it.

As long as I take a prenatal vitamin and eat plenty of calories, my milk supply has stayed high. It's more difficult to lose weight fast because I have to eat plenty of calories, but slow and steady wins the race.

Hawaii Half in three weeks

So more than a year has gone by since my last post. Since that time, we have added another addition to our family. Nohealani was born in February, and I started training about a month after her birth. Have I lost all the weight I gained? Nooooo. But let's not go there. Well, actually, can I just say TV folks are sooo not in touch with reality? They were making a big deal of Tori Spelling gaining 40 pounds over her pregnancy. Big deal. Forty pounds is nothing to cry about. I read that Elizabeth Hurley gained 53 pounds, and Jenny McCarthy gained 60 pounds. I myself gained the nice round number of 47 pounds. So I have between 10-15 more pounds to go. But I'm not sweating it. It will disperse somehow or another.

I've been training about one hour a day, and between three and four hours on Saturdays. My days off are Sundays. I am following a plan in a book my husband bought me and it is supposed to get me ready for a half-Ironman in 13 weeks. My doctor is also a triathlete, and he gave me the okay to start training a month after my little girl's birth. He's a pretty cool guy and I see him at races on occasion.